
Latest Exhibitions
Portraits of Vanessa Bell
Cedric Morris and Arthur Lett-Haines: a radical art school
Collecting Modernism: Pablo Picasso to Winifred Nicholson
Grayson Perry: A Temple for Everyone
Matthew Smith: Through the eyes of Patrick Heron
Anne Rothenstein
Over and Under, Above and Below, Through the…
Duos: The Art of Collaboration
The Faces of Bloomsbury
Latest Festival
Festival of the Garden 2024
Charleston Festival 2024
Small Wonder 2023
Queer Bloomsbury 2024
Festival of the Garden 2023
Charleston Festival 2023
Queer Bloomsbury 2022
Festival of the Garden 2022
Charleston Festival 2022
Latest Events
Free Teacher CPD: Animation workshop with Lily Ash Sakula
Rush Stars with Ruby Taylor
DAY TICKET: Queer Bloomsbury 2024
How Queer Pop Changed the World
Queer Art: From Canvas to Club
Life & Looks: Leigh Bowery and Taboo
Queer Charleston x Erotic Drawings: Free House Visit
Queer Charleston x Erotic Drawings: Exclusive Guided Tour
AFTER PARTY: Queer Bloomsbury 2024